El Tango y sus secretos

02/04 DECEMBER 2025


Each team, following a treasure map each day, will find 20 multiple-choice questions on topics related to Tango. Arriving at the last question, they will deliver to the Official Station all the sheets related to the 20 questions found along the route indicated on the treasure map, which will be sealed in a sealed envelope with wax lacquer and delivery time.


The winning team during the “Hurricane Milonga Night” will receive the following prizes respectively:

A Pirate Bonus worth €500

to be used for the 2026 CARIBBEAN TANGO FEST edition delivered directly by the Piratess President of “Los Piratas Milongueros.”

Maura Laudicina

Various Pirate Bonuses of different

commercial value delivered directly

by our “Official Pirate Sponsors.”

These prizes will be drawn among the individual participating members of the winning team!


The Treasure Hunt times for each day will be as follows.

1. Day 02/12

Reception h. 10 am

Race Start h. 12 | Race End h. 18

2. Day 03/12

Reception h. 10

Race Start h. 12 | Race End h.18

3. Day 04/12

Reception h. 10

Race Start h. 12 | Race End h. 18


Each singol* Tanguer* Pirate who intends to participate in the CARIBBEAN TANGO FEST, at the time of PRE-REGISTRATION and/or ENROLLMENT must choose the category of the Treasure Hunt between

Woman Under 45

Man Under 45

Woman Over 45

Man Over 45

The possible deadline to register is November 30, 2025 by going directly to the Resort at the Official Station from 12/14 hrs. indicating your personal data.

The Pirate organization will identify 4 Group Leaders, one for each team, to whom they will communicate the assigned task and the resulting role.

On 2/12 at h. 10 am the Group Leaders of the individual teams will be given the maps for each team member and the Treasure Hunt will officially open at h. 12 and end on 04/12 at h.18


Each team, having arrived at the last day, having turned in

the last 20 applications, will receive a Document signed

by the Pirate President

of “Los Piratas Milongueros” Maura Laudicina, of successful delivery of all 60 applications with corresponding delivery time of the last day.

Each team, at the last delivery, will have to indicate a couple formed by 2 Pirates of their choice that during the “Hurricane Milonga Night” will have to compete, in pirate tanguero dress code, in front of the jury formed by the “Maestros Piratas Milongueros”.

The Team with the following score will win:

Average of the shortest delivery time over the 3 days

40 correct answers out of 60 questions

Couple with the highest score at the final dance competition during the “Hurricane Milonga Night”


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